KMB Jobs2020-11-09T15:35:17-04:00

Go to the Kijiji My Business Manager.


Kijiji My Business for Jobs Quick Start Walkthrough2022-09-19T09:48:03-04:00
Kijiji My Business Manager Training2020-08-27T15:20:28-04:00

This tutorial will teach you the basics of setting up an account in the Kijiji My Business Manager:

  • Sign in & Home Dashboard
  • Ad Management
  • Departments
  • Kijiji My Business Manager Reporting Tool
  • User Management

Click here: Kijiji My Business Manager Training

Your Reports – A more user-centric way of recording data2023-06-13T13:43:42-04:00

To improve the accuracy of how we track and measure engagement, the following changes were made on May 15th, 2023:

1. User interactions with your listings will now be recorded based on the respective ‘User ID’ or ‘IP address’ that it is tied to. In the event that a ‘User ID’ or ‘IP address’ is unavailable we we will use browser cookies. Previously, we recorded user interactions based on device (like phone or desktop).

How this helps you: Your data will now give you a more accurate representation of how individual users are interacting with your listings.

2. Interactions will now be recorded once every 24 hours.

How this helps you: By moving to a 24 hour window we are improving our deduplication of repeat activity by the same user. Ex. If a person using the same User ID or IP address views a listing three times between 11am on Tuesday and 11am on Wednesday it will count as one unique view.

Please note: As a result of these changes you will see a difference in the amount of views, URL clicks, and Phone Reveal clicks you typically observe. There will not be a change to your Email Replies or how users interact with your advertised listings.

If you have any questions about these changes please reach out to your Account Manager or our Support team.

Managing Ads

Is there is a way to copy ads from one department to another?2020-11-19T16:53:05-04:00

Ads cannot be move from one department to another. In order to create a listing for another department, you will need to create a new listing, or edit an existing listing already associated with that department. Tip: Save time by copy and pasting your description, and use the drag and drop function to quickly import multiple images.

How do I edit where the leads go (department vs ad)?2020-11-19T16:51:42-04:00

You can update your email lead recipients by editing contact details for a department or unit. Click on the Department name on your Home screen, or anywhere else on the row to edit a unit.

What keywords should I use and where should I put them in my ads?2020-11-19T16:42:15-04:00

Your title, and first 200 characters of your description are searchable. You should source keywords using your understanding of your customers and industry knowledge. Your account manager can also help provide you with some of the common keywords searched on Kijiji.

How do I format the description box?2021-10-26T11:56:59-04:00

If you are managing your listings manually in KMB, please use the formatting options provided to add bold, italics, and bullet points to format your listings.

How do I use keywords to enhance my ads?2020-07-10T10:58:36-04:00

Keywords are extremely important to making sure your ads can be found by the right job seekers. With so many ways of describing certain roles, it’s important to capture the attention of job seekers regardless of the terminology they use to search. By integrating keywords into your Kijiji ads, you’ll be able to attract prospects you may otherwise have missed. Think about sales roles as an example and try to find ways to include terms like Account Director, Account Executive, Account Management, etc.
Here’s the important details:

  • The first 200 characters of your description, and your entire ad title is keyword searchable.
  • If a job seeker’s search corresponds with the keywords in your ads, your ad will be one the search results.
  • You know your audience well, and what they’re looking for, so make sure to leverage your expertise when creating your titles and descriptions.
  • Contact your account rep for keyword recommendations.
How do I remove an ad from Kijiji?2020-07-10T10:57:39-04:00

If you need to remove an ad you can simply select it and use the REMOVE feature that is found under Publishing Options, then hit APPLY.

If you need to restore an ad that you have removed, you can find it in the INACTIVE tab on the Home page. Once you select the ad, under Publishing Options, choose PUBLISH then hit APPLY and the ad will be queued in PENDING. Under Publishing Options there is also the option to DELETE. If you choose this option and later decide you want to restore it, you will need to create a new ad.

If you have questions, please contact our support team at [email protected].

How to manage publishing times2020-07-10T10:56:53-04:00

*All times are quoted in Eastern Standard Time

Manual Posting ads in KMB

KMB publishes ads three times daily, once at beginning at 6am, once at 10am, and another at 3pm. In order to have your ads posted, deleted, or updated, you must have them queued for posting/updating by 1am, 9am, and 1pm, respectively for the feed times above.

Why these times?
As a general note, updates and deletes will be completed quite quickly, as it does not affect the rank of ads on the site.

The time an ad takes to be posted is determined by the number of ads queued to be posted in your department and category. We schedule ads to avoid a sudden influx of ads on site, this is necessary to ensure that your ads stay on page 1 for a good amount of time before new ads and bump ups move it down the list. Because of this scheduling system and the variability of ad volume from day-to-day, we are unable to offer an exact time when individual ads will be posted.

What if?
If your ad was queued for one of the publishing times and you do not see the update or new ad appear, please wait for at least one additional post time to pass before asking us to investigate, minor delays will typically resolve themselves by our next feed cycle without intervention.
In the event that we expect delays in updates or new posts beyond one business day, we will post a notification in KMB.

XML Feed Upload to Kijiji My Business

We import XML feeds slightly earlier than the manual posting cutoff. All details regarding posting are the same as above.

Kijiji KMB will import your feed at approximately between 11pm-1am and 11am-1pm, respectively, for the morning and afternoon publishing cycles. Any changes to your feed that are present at the times mentioned will be included in the next publishing cycle. The 11pm-1am import will begin to update on Kijiji during our morning publishing cycle, beginning at appx. 6am. The 11am-1pm import will begin to update on Kijiji beginning at approximately 3pm until all ads have updated. This update cycle includes any new ads, updates and deletes.

How do I edit my ads and department information?2020-07-10T10:52:07-04:00
  • Clicking on the ad title from your dashboard (Home tab) will bring up the edit screen for that ad. Edit your ad and save your changes.
  • Clicking on the department name on your dashboard (Home) will bring up the edit screen for the department. Edit your department and save your changes.

Pro Tip: hold down the “ctrl” key and click ad titles/departments to open multiple tabs in your browser, this could save you lots of time if you’re looking to update multiple ads.

How can I check the performance of my ads?2020-07-10T10:51:08-04:00

To view metrics for an individual ad, simply click on your ad from your KMB Hub, then navigate to the Ad Performance tab. For a broader scope, navigate to the Reports tab from the main navigation menu, select your report type and date range. Keep in mind that you can get more granular detail by selecting one or more departments and clicking Generate Unit Report.

How can I add video to my ads?2020-07-10T10:50:19-04:00

Kijiji ads can accommodate a video integrated through YouTube. When either creating, or editing an ad in KMB, enter the URL that links to the YouTube video you’d like to add. Your video will appear in the first image position, moving your primary photo to the second slot.

If you have questions, or need help, please contact support at [email protected].

Can I see my applicant inquiries in the KMB Hub?2020-07-10T10:46:54-04:00

Yes you can! To see leads for an individual ad, click on the ad title and navigate to the “email replies” tab, click on a lead to view the inquiry.

To see leads for all ads in a particular department, click on the department name and navigate to the “email replies” tab

The “reports” tab on the top navigation menu will allow you to generate customized reports for both feature usage and lead generation

Pro Tip: Export your report as an excel spreadsheet to manipulate the data or help with cost department.


Can I use different logos for my buildings that have each different branding?2021-10-25T15:50:43-04:00

Yes, you can add a unique logo for each of your buildings. Edit your building “Location” to upload logos.

Why do I need multiple logo sizes? What does that mean?2020-11-19T16:41:02-04:00

There are three placements for your logos that correspond to each of the sizes. The small logo appears on the search results page, the medium appears on your lisitng page, and the large logo appears on the “other ads”/gallery page.

How do I add logos?2020-07-10T10:09:32-04:00

Logos can be added to your ads by clicking the EDIT button for each department. Navigate to the Departments tab, choose your department, then scroll down to add logos. To add a logo for your entire account, please email [email protected] with the correct size images.

A friendly reminder that the logo dimensions must be exact*:

  • Small: 120×60 Pixels
  • Medium: 300×120 Pixels
  • Large: 728×90 Pixels

*We are not designers, but our support team may be able to help with basic resizing if needed.

How can I group my ads together on my ad gallery (view other ads)?2020-07-10T10:05:51-04:00

By default, we will present all ads in your account together on your ad gallery, but you can also create individual galleries based on your “departments”, which represent groups of ads. If you have jobs open in different cities, provinces, or different industries, you may prefer to display your similar jobs together. Make sure to use departments to create groupings of ads, then if you’d like to change your current ad gallery experience, please contact your account representative or our support team at [email protected].

Why are we offering this option?

  • We’re making it easier for a job seeker to find similar ads to the one they selected initially.
  • This can generate more inquiries for you by keeping job seekers looking at your positions for long as possible before looking elsewhere.
  • This provides the ability to have a single URL linking to all of your Kijiji ads, which you can use internally and externally to reference your Kijiji ad gallery page.

Visibility Features

How do I get more Features?2020-11-19T16:23:11-04:00

Please contact your account manager to inquire about discounted Feature bundles.

What happens with unused Features at the end of a month?2020-11-19T16:19:50-04:00

If you have pre-purchased a Feature bundle, they must be used within the calendar month. Unused Features will expire after the last day of the month.

How much do Features cost?2021-10-26T10:24:51-04:00

There are several features available (ex. bump ups), all at different price points. To view the price of a feature you’re interested in, you can select the feature in the Kijiji My Business Manager, and receive a price quote prior to purchase. See “How do I use features”? We encourage you to discuss your needs with your account manager, who can provide advice, tips, and provide discounts on bundles of features.

How do I use Features (like Top Ads or Bump Ups)?2021-10-26T10:28:56-04:00

Select the listings you’d like to promote with a feature on your Home dashboard by clicking the check boxes on the left. Once you’ve chosen all the listings you’d like to apply a feature to, select the preferred feature from the Promote Your Ads menu, and click “Apply”. Once processed and confirmed, these features will then take effect on the listings you’ve selected.

What is a Top Ad?2020-07-10T10:29:46-04:00

King of the hill! Your ad is upgraded so a second copy of the ad appears in the “Top Ads” section at the top of a category ad page for a period of 7 days.

What is a bump up?2020-07-10T10:29:16-04:00

Back on top! Bump Ups push your ad back to the top of the ads on the first page and reset the post date, making the ad appear newly posted. Your ad will remain in that spot until new Kijiji ads are posted in that category, at which point it will move down accordingly in the ads. Please keep in mind that there is an additional fee associated with this feature, for a bulk rate contact your advertising consultant. Don’t forget to ask about our scheduling tool to optimize your use of Bump Ups.

Bulk Featuring: Select all ads higher than page “x”2020-07-10T10:28:48-04:00

We’ve developed a really helpful way to help keep your ads highly visible, while reducing the effort it takes your team to apply features.

Ads on the first few pages get the most response, so managing your bump ups according to page number can be an effective strategy. Work with your advertising consultant to hone-in on your sweet spot and keep all your ads above that page easily.

Just enter a page number between 2-30, click “select” to choose the ads in that range, then select your feature to apply and you are done.

How to use visibility features in Kijiji My Business2020-07-10T10:27:47-04:00

Top Ads and Bump Ups are the most common, and most effective way to generate more views and replies for your ads. Using features strategically is important, so ask your advertising consultant for advice on how to maximize your investment with Kijiji, that’s what we’re here for.

How to apply features:

  1. Select the unit or units you wish to feature using the checkboxes on the Home screen.
  2. Select the feature you’d like to apply using Publishing Options, click Apply.
  3. Confirm the quantity and/or cost of the features before confirming your purchase.
  4. Wait for the progress window to complete and confirm, and that’s it!
How do I get my ad back to the top of the list (page 1)?2020-07-10T10:26:15-04:00

Purchasing a Bump Up will move your ad from the current position to the top position on page 1 as if the ad was just posted. Your monthly subscription allows you to pre-purchase bundles of Bump Ups at a discount, so contact your rep for more information and pricing before using too many!
Kijiji has developed a scheduling system which allows you to pre-select times and dates to bump up your ads. Our scheduler allows you to generate extra visibility for your ads anytime, whether you are in the office or out on vacation. Use your expertise to identify when your ideal candidates are searching, and make sure you have lots of exposure at those times for best results.

Contact us at [email protected] to enable your scheduler.


How do I register my credit card for automatic payments?2020-11-19T16:43:47-04:00

Please contact our support team who can send you a secure online form to register your credit card.

What does DOK stand for?2020-11-19T16:16:12-04:00

Days on Kijiji. This is the number of consecutive days your listing has been live on

How many inactive ads can I have?2020-11-19T16:13:41-04:00

You can store as many listings in your inactive folder as you need. We recommend deleting units that you no longer manage, or duplicate listings of the same unit to help you stay organized.

Why does my ad on say it was posted 3 days ago when it’s been live for longer?2022-09-15T16:16:00-04:00

Kijiji My Business provides a great perk exclusive to subscriptions; an automatic “re-post” every 31 days is automatically applied for all listings, resetting the post date, and moving the listing back to page 1. This is why your ad may show a post date more recent then the original post date.

Do ads expire?2020-11-18T15:34:23-04:00

Your KMB listings will not expire, they remain published until you chose to remove them from the site.

Why doesn’t the ad go live immediately?2020-11-18T15:32:55-04:00

Why doesn’t the ad go live immediately?

The KMB Manager runs on a feed cycle system. We export new listings, deletes, and updates three times per day. Given the high volume of listings that we receive to post daily, it’s important that we stagger the publications to maintain an equitable marketplace.

Why can’t I see all my ads in KMB? (Client vs. Manager Settings)2020-07-10T10:39:52-04:00

There are two user access types in KMB: Client and Manager. Client level access will give you access to freely view, create, feature and modify all ads. Manager level access will only allow you to view and modify ads you have created, or been delegated by a Client user at your company. If you need to change your access level, please request access internally, your Client users have the ability to make this change.

What does the “Current Page” column in KMB refer to?2020-07-10T10:39:18-04:00

The “current page” of your ad is its rank in the corresponding Jobs subcategory for the Kijiji region in which the ad is posted. For example, Healthcare ads in the Regina region will compete against other Healthcare ads in Regina for rank on the search results page. There are 20 ads per page, so your ads current page helps you identify its overall rank, which helps influence how much it gets seen. If 60 ads have been posted since your ad was posted or bumped up, your ad should appear on page 3. For more information on page rank, and how to manage or improve it, contact your advertising consultant.

How can I upload photos to my ads?2020-07-10T10:38:45-04:00

Good question, photos are essential.

From your Edit Ad page, or New Ad page, scroll down and click Add Files, or simply drag and drop the images into the box and they will populate below. Please be sure to wait until all photos are visible, then click Save before navigating away from the page. If you are not sure what kind of photo to add, “culture” and “brand” images and videos are a popular approach that employers take to branding their ads.

You can add up to 20 photos, and each must be 3.5mb or less. There are numerous online resizing tools available if your files are too big. Alternatively, email us at [email protected] and we’ll be happy to assist.

Why is my ad showing in the wrong city on Kijiji?2020-07-10T10:37:53-04:00

In very rare situations, your ad can appear on the map incorrectly. Prior to contacting support, make sure that you entered the correct Kijiji location when creating your ad, and double check your department to make sure the address information is accurate.

If you have any trouble with your ad appearing in the correct Kijiji region, or on the map, please reach out to us at [email protected] and we’ll make sure it gets resolved quickly!

My ad is on Kijiji, but I can’t find it in KMB…2020-07-10T10:37:14-04:00

There’s an ad on Kijiji for one of my products, but I can’t find it in KMB, what should I do?

  1. Consider if you have another account directly through that might have posted this ad. Did you remember to cancel your existing ads on-site once you started with?
  2. Check your “active” folder in KMB, reference the Kijiji ID to find a match. Don’t forget to make use of the search bar in KMB to make this easier.
  3. Check your “inactive” folder in KMB. If you or your team have queued an ad for removal, your ad may still be live until our next update cycle, simply waiting until the next morning, or afternoon should see the discrepancy resolved.
  4. If your ad can’t be found in KMB, and you are pretty sure it wasn’t deleted recently, reach out to [email protected].
My ad is Pending status, what does that mean?2020-07-10T10:36:00-04:00

When you first create your ad or “publish”, it will remain in the Pending tab until it becomes “Live” on Your ad will automatically move from Pending to Live once it has been posted to

A few notes about Pending ads:

  • Pending ads cannot be featured
  • Pending ads can be edited
  • Pending ads can be moved to Inactive
  • Pending ads can be deleted

If your ad is pending for longer than 24 hours, please contact [email protected].

Kijiji Site Policies2020-07-10T10:41:33-04:00

For details about Kijiji’s policies, please see our new knowledge base site by CLICKING HERE.

How to stay safe with Kijiji2020-07-10T10:42:20-04:00

For details about Kijiji’s tips on staying safe, please see our Site Safety site by CLICKING HERE.

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